If your Papillon has the genetic make up for growing long ear fringes, than the rest is up to you:
You got to keep your
- Papi brushed on those ears regularly.
- A weekly bath is recommended for the overall coat. Keeps the hair in better condition, easier to brush, therefor less breakage.
- For long fringes, it is best that your dog does not get to play so much with other dogs, because they pull on each others ears and legs. they favorite!! So, you have to make that choice: long fringes, no play, a little less fringes more play, more happy dog; and so forth.
- If you intend to show your dog, or have already a show dog, you can put a sock/tube/snood over his head while playing. Anything which holds their ears/fringes under the hood. Be creative.
Brolle has a fair amount of fringe for a red/white Papillon, and he is still growing hair and fringe. He is only 1+1/2 half year old, and it can take several years to grow fringes to its completion.
That is because , if you see his parents here, they have abundant fringe development, as well ,that goes on with his grand parents.

The dark colored Papillons grow a better fringe .
White + Black
Tri Color
White + Tan, or Sable colored Papis with black rimmed ear fringes are still OK .
White + Red only dog; it is very difficult to grow fringe, due to their super fine hair texture, which breaks easier. Again, here you can research the pedigree of your dog, looking at photos of the parents, grand parents.
You may have gotten an off- spring from a line with a lot of red dogs, but with a strong fringe grow.....all genetics.
Tiger Mans fringes are great.
His moms are "so so"
But look at his dad!!
If you look below at Cowboys father and grand father, you now can guess what he will most likely develop. He is only 8 months old on this photo.