**Road's End Papillons- established in 2006
**We are advocates of raw-, fresh, "human-grade food" for our canine friends .
we follow limited vaccination guidelines.
**Please note that Road's End available Papillons are
only to be seen by clicking on the AVAILABLE page, unless mentioned otherwise

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Re-Homing older Papillons

Older Papillons do adopt fairly well into a new home and into a new lifestyle.

He often is well behaved, and learns quickly what the new owner ask from him.
But, pending where he came from, and gravity of his attachment to the previous home, he may live with you for many weeks without much play, and he appears to you as a very quiet sweet dog.
Ever so slowly he will let you get to know him, and he will start to run around more, or he will pick up a ball.
From my own experience and other Papillon owner's experience as I know them, it can take a good 6 months to fully have your new friend "lived in".
So, be patient. Give him time and love, he will come around.

Available Phalene

Road's End Falena Satin Beauty @ 7 months.

Available Papillon

Road's End Gypsy Rose,@ 7 months

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Papillon Leg Fracture

Here is the final continuation of the story of our Duke's leg fracture.

It has bee 12 weeks now since he broke his front leg, and today , he had his last veterinarian check-up on it.
Duke has recovered fully; it was decided to leave the pin in his bone , because it does not seem to hinder, or bother him at all. The pin can be pulled out at any time.
Please also note, that the vet did actually a simple thing by inserting into the bone a pin, and giving the leg a splint in the first few weeks post surgery. I feel that the simpler things sometimes work better, and it was definitely a lot less trauma for the dog.
Other veterinarians may recommend to you much more complicated ways to "fix" a leg like this.
An example is to attach a plate with screws to the broken bone, to hold it in place. The radius bone on a small toy breed is a very tiny bone, straw size or less.Think about it: a plate and screws? It also requires 2 surgeries: one is to sedate him to put a splint to hold the leg, till the specialist gets ready to do the actual surgery to apply the plate to his radius bone.

Duke 's leg turned out to be nice and straight again , as nothing ever happened.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

To continue with my indoor photography of our Papillons & Phalenes, let me show off Stenley vom Cavalierchen today.

This gentle lady "Baer" is now in her 16Th year , and doing great. Baer still goes along on our Papillon walks, and overall, she still is a healthy girl.
I picked Baer up of the streets in Asheville, NC 16 years ago, on a very cold day in January, with freezing temperatures,  at an age of approximately 7 weeks.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Available Adult Papillons

Our beloved Quarter Man was adopted today  by a family in Oregon, who already have a Road's End Papillon: a son of his.

Quarter Man

Son Iodine

Have a look what we still have available

Friday, January 20, 2012

Road's End Phalenes

CH/BA Road's End Strammer Max

Kali (Marrics Kaleidoscope)

Blitz (Marrics Gone N Dun It) 

Road's End Falena (6 Months)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

1 Year old Papillon Siblings

Road's End X Babes, now at one year:

Here some words  and beautiful photos from X Tra Fino's family in California:

Fino just wanted to say HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY to her sister Coco and brother Harley! At one year, she weighs 3.9 pounds and is about 8" tall. 

X Tra Coco is her big sister, although she is at 10 "and 6 LBS not big. Coco remained here with us.